Win the child Custody battle with our expert assistance!
Are you concerned or worried about what is going on with your child or children when they are with their other parent? Is your child in danger? Is your court order not being followed?
We are highly skilled at detecting abuse, neglect, drug abuse, alcoholism, and unfit living conditions.
We will help you protect your child!
We track down deadbeats.
We can locate and serve the deadbeat parent so your support and/or custody order can be enforced..
We are devoted to protecting innocent children who cannot defend themselves.
We will be there by your side in any courtroom with evidence to professionally testify to our findings. A private investigator’s independent and neutral findings always have more credibility in court than a parent’s accusations.
We can locate and serve the deadbeat parent so your support and/or custody order can be enforced.
We can also determine if, when, where and how often the deadbeat parent is working to assist you along the way.
Are they working under the table and getting paid cash? We can and will get proof.